Changelog 0.13

This week we shipped a program REPL, simplified the IDE, and added a handful of features around the IDE.


0.13 introduces a REPL for each Membrane program, located at the bottom of Logs. You can use it to query and mutate state, for example.

Simplified IDE

When you log into Membrane, you'll now see a streamlined editing experience. We removed much of the less used IDE UI chrome and added a new navigation bar in the top left corner.

Simplified IDE

You can still open the command palette by typing cmd+shift+p or using the Navigator context menu. If there's anything you miss from the previous layout, let us know!

Edit descriptions in schema editor

Previously, editing program descriptions was only possible by directly editing memconfig.json. Now you can edit the program description and descriptions for specific types in the schema editor (located in the right sidebar).

Sort & group types

Also in the schema editor, you'll now see that types are sorted alphabetically and grouped together. E.g. the github driver groups UserCollection, UserPage, and User types.

Collapse file trees

You may have noticed another nice-to-have feature: collapse all program file trees in the Navigator by clicking the collapse all button in the top right of the program list.

Endpoint preview improvements

Selecting "Open Preview" above an endpoint will open the URL as a split view within your editor as before, but now it'll include an address bar and back/forward/refresh buttons for better navigation.

Invoke via timer

We added back an invoke via timer button (clock icon) for each action row in the Navigator. Thanks to user Azeem for the request!

- Pete Millspaugh (

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